Demam adalah kondisi ketika suhu tubuh mengalami peningkatan. Demam merupakan bagian dari proses kekebalan tubuh yang sedang mengalami infeksi akibat virus, bakteri dan parasit. Namun, ketika pemilik melihat anjing atau kucingnya melihat aktifitas berkurang, nafsu makan turun akan khawatir.
Sediakan termometer khusus buat anjing atau kucing anda, termometer ini dapa membantu mengetahui apakah anjing dan kucing dalam keadaan demam atau tidak. Suhu normal anjing dan kucing 37,5°C - 39,5°C. Ketika suhu lebih dari 40°C dapat mendadak pingsan (heat stroke).
Langkah sederhana penggunaan termometer digital :
- Bersihkan termometer, dapat menggunakan kapas alkohol
- Pegang kucing/anjing anda agar dalam posisi yang nyaman
- Masukkan termometer ke dalam anus kucing/anjing
- Tahan hingga termometer berbunyi
- Ambil termometer, kemudian baca angka pada layar
- Bersihkan termometer kembali.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fever is a conditon when the body termperature has increased. fever is part of immune process that is experiencing infection due to viruses, bacteria and parasites. However, when the owner sees his dog or cat seeing reduced activity will feel worry.
Provide a special thermometer for your cat or dog, this thermometer can hep determine if the dog or cat are fever or not. The normal termperature of dogs and cats is 37.5°C - 39.5°C. when the temperature is over 40°C suddenly pass out (heat stroke)
Simple Steps of using a digital thermometer : Fever is a conditon when the body termperature has increased. fever is part of immune process that is experiencing infection due to viruses, bacteria and parasites. However, when the owner sees his dog or cat seeing reduced activity will feel worry.
Provide a special thermometer for your cat or dog, this thermometer can hep determine if the dog or cat are fever or not. The normal termperature of dogs and cats is 37.5°C - 39.5°C. when the temperature is over 40°C suddenly pass out (heat stroke)
Simple Steps of using a digital thermometer :
- Clean the thermometer, can use cotton alcohol
- Handling your cat / dog to be in a comfort position.
- Insert the thermometer into the cat / dog's rectal
- Hold until the thermometer beep, then read on screen
- Clean the thermometer again
Saya mau tanya dok kalo kucing lg mencret karna cacingan boleh d kah makanan basah ga? Soalnya saya binggung ngsh obatnya tkt d muntahin.. Tdnya mau d campur ke makanan basah, apa boleh??
ReplyDeleteTentu saja boleh, silahkan berikan obatnya dengan wet food. :)
DeleteHallo dok mau tanya kalo kucing mencret karna cacingan boleh d ksh makanan basah? Krna mau ngsh obatnya binggung takut d muntahin jd mau d campur kemakanan basah apa boleh?